m. with either purified GS-1101 ic50 chimeric VLPs (HBc-N149-VP4N20) or HBcAg VLPs (HBc-N149) and received booster injections 3 weeks later.
Mice immunized with PBS were used as negative controls. The immunized animals were bled at week 0, 2, 5, 8 for serological analysis. The results showed that anti-VP4N20 antibody became detectable in chimeric VLPs-immunized mice at 2 weeks after inoculation. The titers were enhanced by booster injection and reached a maximum at week 5. No anti-VP4N20 antibody response was detected in the HBcAg VLPs -immunized group and the PBS group. Our results indicated that chimeric particles were able to induce anti-VP4N20 immune responses (Figure 4). Figure 4 Kinetics of antibody titer development in mice following immunization. Mice were immunized twice with 100 μl preparation containing 5 μg of different proteins on week 0 and 3, respectively, and were bled before immunization and at week 2, 5, 8 weeks after immunization for serological tests. BSA-VP4N20 was used to coat EIA plates to detect VP4N20-specific antibodies. Each bar represents the mean reciprocal
log10 endpoint titers and standard error. Chimeric VLPs were able to induce neutralizing antibodies against EV71 To evaluate whether the chimeric VLPs could induce neutralizing antibodies against RG7112 supplier EV71, sera from immunized mice were tested for the ability to neutralize live EV71 in vitro. EV71 (genotype C4) and a variant of the prototype strain of EV71, BrCr-TR (genotype A) were used for in vitro neutralization assay. As shown in Figure 5, the sera from the group immunized with chimeric VLPs were able to neutralize EV71 (Bj08 strain) and prevented RD cells from developing cytopathic effects. The highest neutralizing titre of around 1.36 × 102 was obtained at week 5 post-immunization (Figure 6), which was consistent with the antibody profile as shown in Figure 4.
However, anti-chimeric VLPs sera had a neutralizing activity against EV71 Cetuximab mw of type A (BrCr-TR) with a neutralization titre similar to that against Bj08 strain (data not shown). Amino acid sequence alignment show that the N-terminal sequence of the Bj08 VP4 is identical to that of BrCr-TR (Figure 1). Compared to chimeric particles, HBcAg particles failed to induce neutralizing antibody responses against EV71 (Bj08 strain) (Figure 5) as well as EV71 BrCr-TR strain (data not shown). Our results indicate that immunization of chimeric VLPs can elicit neutralizing antibody responses against EV71 and the sera exhibit a cross-neutralizing activity against EV71 strains belonging to different genotypes in vitro. Figure 5 Microneutralization assay results. The virus/antiserum mixtures were added into RD cells and incubated at 37°C. After 7 days, the cells were observed to evaluate the appearance of cytopathic effects (CPEs). (A) Uninfected cells. (B) EV71-bound cells were treated with the anti-HBc-N149-VP4N20 sera. (C) selleck compound EV71-infected cells.