The ability of C. thermocellum SCH727965 to control scaffoldin and cellulase mRNA [25–28] and protein [29–32] levels in response to substrate type and growth rate has been extensively studied, and reveals that expression of cellulosomal enzymes is present in the absence of cellulose, albeit at lower levels. We detected expression of 7 cellulosomal structural proteins, 31 cellulosome-associated glycosidases, and 19 non-cellulosomal CAZymes on cellobiose using 2D-HPLC-MS/MS ( Additional file 3). Of the 8 encoded non-catalytic cellulosomal proteins, 7 were detected using the combined acquisition methods (shotgun and 4-plex). SdbA (Cthe_1307) was the most abundant anchoring protein, and scaffoldin CipA (Cthe_3077) was found in the
top 50% of total proteins detected (RAI = 0.42). OlpB, Orf2p, and OlpA located downstream of CipA (Cthe_3078-3080) were also detected, but at sequentially lower levels. Expression buy DAPT of cellulosomal anchoring proteins Cthe_0452 and Cthe0736 was also detected, but only during 4-plex acquisition. Microarray studies revealed that transcription
of sdbA was low compared to cipA, olpB, orf2p, and olpA on cellulose [37], while nano-LC-ESI-MS revealed that SdbA was only expressed in cellobiose-grown cultures [29]. This coincided with our high SdbA levels detected in cellobiose-grown cell-free extracts. On cellulose, Raman et al. found no change in cipA transcription and a 2-fold increase in orf2p transcription in stationary phase [37], while Dror et al. observed an increase in transcription of orf2p as well as cipA and olpB with decreasing growth rate [26]. Alternatively, Gold et al.
showed similar expression of Orf2p relative to CipA in both cellobiose and cellulose-grown samples and increased expression of OlpB in cellobiose-grown cultures [29]. We, however, did not observe any statistically relevant changes of cellulosomal proteins on cellobiose during transition into stationary phase. C. thermocellum encodes 73 glycosidases containing a type I dockerin, 65 of which have been detected and characterized at the protein level [37]. 2D-HPLC-MS/MS of exponential phase cell-free extracts detected 31 cellulosomal glycosidases ( Additional file 3), 19 of which were in the top 90th percentile Histamine H2 receptor of total proteins detected (RAI > 0.1). In addition to high RAI levels of CelS, a cellulosomal subunit shown to be highly expressed [25, 27], XynC, CelA, XynA/U, CelG, and glycosidase Cthe_0821 were also detected in high amounts. Other characterized cellulosomal glycosidases detected included CelB, XynZ, XghA, CelR, CelK, and CelV. Proteomic analysis has shown that exoglucanases CelS and CelK, and endoglucanase CelJ are higher in cellulose versus cellobiose-grown cultures, while hemicellulases (XynZ, XynC, XynA/U, XghA, Cthe_0032) and endoglucanases belonging to family GH5 (CelB, CelG, Cthe_2193) and GH8 (CelA) were more abundant in cellobiose versus cellulose-grown cultures [29].