Zero-loss images and electron energy loss spectroscopy (EELS) elemental maps were examined to identify the distribution of Fe, O, and C on selleck chemicals llc substrates Capmatinib molecular weight U and H after introducing hydrocarbon gas for 5 s, as shown in Figure 4. After heat treatment, Fe particles were formed and oxidized. Oxygen might be provided from oxides on the Fe film after deposition on the silicon substrate or from residual natural oxides on the silicon surface. We found that the Fe particles on substrate U exhibited an oxygen layer, around 3 nm thick, on the surface of small Fe
particles. In addition, a few layers of graphite were formed on the oxide layer of the oxidized Fe particle as in Figure 4. On the other hand, a certain amount of oxygen was present throughout the entire image at a very low intensity, and the graphite layers on substrate H were synthesized thicker
than those on substrate U. Figure 4 Bright-field HR-TEM images and EELS elemental maps. Showing the distribution of silicon (Si), oxygen (O), carbon (C), and iron (Fe) in plan views after introducing C2H2 at 900°C on silicon substrate U. Figure 5a,b,c shows FE-SEM images of MWNTs grown on silicon substrates U(100), L(100), and H(100). Typical vertical-aligned MWNTs GDC-0941 chemical structure were grown on Si(100) substrates. In the case of Si(100) substrate, substrate U(100) with the lowest electrical conductivity has a dense distribution of thin and long MWNTs with average diameters of 30 to 40 nm and a length of around 25 μm. MWNTs with average diameters of 65 to 80 nm and a length of 5 to 6 μm were grown on substrate L(100), and thick and short MWNTs were grown on substrate H(100), which possessed the highest electrical conductivity. In this case, the average diameter and lengths of the MWNTS were found to be around 100 nm and 2 to 3 μm, respectively. For Si(111) substrate, however, the thin and long MWNTs were grown on H(111) substrate, while thick and short MWNTs were grown on substrate U(111), which possessed the lowest electrical
conductivity compared with those of H(111) and L(111) substrates. Figure 6 shows cross-sectional and plan-view images of MWNTs grown on silicon Carnitine palmitoyltransferase II substrates U(111), L(111), and H(111). Figure 7 shows a plot of length and diameter of MWNTs versus electrical conductivity of the Si(100) and Si(111) substrates. The average vertical lengths of MWNTs grown on U(111), L(111), and H(111) substrates are 5.3, 6.6, and 8.3 μm, respectively. On the other hand, the average diameter of MWNTs grown on U(111), L(111), and H(111) substrates are 78, 70, and 68 nm, respectively. Figure 5 FE-SEM micrographs of MWNTs grown on substrates U(100), L(100), and H(100). (a to c) Plan view and (d to f) cross-sectional view. Figure 6 FE-SEM micrographs of MWNTs grown on substrates U(111), L(111), and H(111). (a to c) Plan view and (d to f) cross-sectional view.