This testifies to disorder enhancement and can be caused by the
decrease the sizes and number of a-Si clusters. Annealed films After either CA or RTA treatment, a narrow and high-energy peak is observed, indicating PRT062607 the formation of Si nanocrystallites. For both treatments, with the x decrease the peak position (ω ТО-Si-nc) slightly shifts toward the higher wavenumbers accompanied by the decrease of its full width at half maximum (Γ TO-Si-nc) (Figure 2b). It is observed in the range of ω ТО-Si-nc = 517.3 to 518.6 cm−1 for CA samples and ω ТО-Si-nc = 513.6 to 516.0 cm−1 for RTA samples. At the same time, for the samples with the same x values, Raman peak position is essentially controlled by annealing conditions: the increase of temperature and duration results in its high-wavenumber shift (about 5 cm−1) (Figure 2b). Observed variation of the ω ТО-Si-nc and Γ TO-Si-nc versus the x (Figure 2b) contradicts to that expected for quantum confinement
effect, because with the x decrease, the Si-nc sizes have to reduce, demonstrating the shift of ω ТО-Si-nc Dasatinib mouse toward the lower wavenumbers and the increase of the Γ TO-Si-nc[28]. As one can see from Figure 2b, besides Si-nc-related peak, the features in the ranges from 100 to 180 cm−1 and 420 to 480 cm−1 are present. This means that all annealed samples contain the amorphous silicon phase, which amount increases with the x rise. This can explain the shift of Raman peak position toward lower wavenumbers for higher x values. It is worth to note that the ω ТО-Si-nc for the Si-nc formed in sapphire at 700°C to 1,050°C is observed in the range from 520 to 525 cm−1[13] and is shifted to the VE-821 clinical trial higher-energy side with respect to peak position of intrinsic c-Si. This
indicates the Si-nc in sapphire are under the compressive stress [13]. In contrast in our samples, the ω ТО-Si-nc is shifted to the lower wavenumbers (below 519 cm−1). This ‘red’ shift can be caused either by the quantum confinement effect 3-mercaptopyruvate sulfurtransferase or by the tensile strain between the Si-rich Al2O3 film and the quartz substrate. Going further, based on the XRD data obtained for these samples (see below), we can explain this ω ТО shift by the strain between the film and the substrate that is in agreement with the μ-RS data obtained for as-deposited samples. It should be noted that most probable explanation of the smaller shift of the ω ТО-Si-nc value after CA treatment in comparison with that after RTA one is the relaxation of tensile stress due to longer time and higher temperature of CA treatment. The presented results show that the ω ТО peak position for annealed samples does not allow correct estimation of the variation of Si-nc sizes because of mechanical stress and presence of amorphous Si phase. Thus, an additional study of structural properties of the samples was performed by means of X-ray diffraction method.