The surface of the filaments appeared smooth (Fig 3c and 3d) and

The surface of the filaments appeared smooth (Fig. 3c and 3d) and lacked the recognizable cross-hatched pattern observed in the complex flagella of S. meliloti (Fig. 3f) [9, 24, 26, 48] and R. lupini [40]. It is possible that the surface of the R. leguminosarum filaments

lacks helical perturbations or the perturbations are not as prominent as those of the complex filaments of the other soil MAPK Inhibitor Library cell assay bacteria. Figure 3 Electron micrographs of R. leguminosarum and S. meliloti 1021 flagellar filaments stained with 1% uranyl acetate. (a) VF39SM is peritrichously flagellated; (b) 3841 has a subpolar flagellum; (c) S. meliloti 1021 is peritrichously flagellated. The flagellar filaments of (d) VF39SM and (e) 3841 appear to have a smooth surface and lack the ridging pattern observed on the surface of the complex flagella formed by (f) S. meliloti 1021. Bars: 500 nm for a, b and c; 100 nm for d, e and f. Transcription of R. leguminosarum fla genes Previous transcriptional studies in our lab using gusA fusions demonstrated that for both VF39SM and 3841, flaA, flaC, and flaD have

the highest expression (2376 Miller Units (MU) to 6516 MU) while minimal expression (68 MU to 542 MU) was observed for flaE, flaH, and Everolimus nmr flaG [49]. The gene fusion for flaB reported in that paper was made in a different vector, pFAJ1701, so comparisons of flaB expression to that of the other flagellins Carnitine dehydrogenase were not valid. To place levels of flaB transcription in a proper context compared to the other fla genes, a new fusion to the flaB promoter was made in pFus1 (see methods) and gene expression of flaB was measured at 2529 ± 11 MU in 3841 and 4279 ± 466 in VF39SM. These results suggest that flaA, flaB, flaC,

and flaD are the major flagellin subunits of R. leguminosarum while flaE, flaH, and flaG play minor roles. However, the presence of post-transcriptional regulation in flagellin biosynthesis cannot be precluded; hence, we performed mutational analysis. We have constructed strains with individual mutations in the seven flagellin genes and two multiple fla mutants (flaB/C/D – and flaA/B/C/D -) for both strains VF39SM and 3841. The resulting mutants were examined for motility defects, using swimming and swarming assays, and morphological defects, using transmission electron microscopy. Motility assays and electron microscopy of wildtype and fla mutant strains The swimming and swarming properties of the wildtype and fla mutant strains are summarized in Table 2. To account for the motility phenotypes of the mutant strains, we determined the effect of mutating the flagellin genes on the structure of the flagellar filament. In general, the flagellar filaments of all the individual flagellin mutants appeared to have normal fine structure and the width of the filament (except VF39SM flaD, which we describe below) was nearly identical to that of the wildtype. Table 2 Properties of R.

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