The numerator is the normalization factor of the nanocavity mode field. The calculation LY2606368 mw of the normalization factor is rather difficult and time-consuming. However, since we can directly use the normalized nanocavity mode field E c (r) adopted in Equations 2 to 4, we do not need to calculate this normalization factor. With the normalized nanocavity mode field E c (r), Equation 6 can be simplified as follows: (7) We assume that ϵ r (r)|E c (r)|2 reaches to its maximum at location r 0m and denote the direction of the vector E c (r 0m ) at this location as . For most of the PC slab nanocavities, r 0m and are known before the simulation. For instance, for the PC L3 nanocavity,
r 0m is at the nanocavity center and is perpendicular VX-765 to the line of centers of the three defect air holes, as will be shown in Figure 1b. Figure 1 The structure diagram and nanocavity mode of the PC L3 nanocavity. (a) Cross section on the central plane (z = 0 plane) of the PC L3
nanocavity. Gray region is the dielectric slab, and white regions are the air holes. A, B, and C denote the displacements of the first, second, and third nearest pair of air holes, respectively. The air holes are moved outward along the x direction, denoted by the arrows. (b, c) E y component of the electric field E c (r) of the PC L3 nanocavity mode with the air hole displacements A = 0.2a, B = 0.025a, and C = 0.2a (b) on z = 0 plane and (c) on y = 0 plane, respectively. Urease The electric field distribution is normalized by the electric field maximum at the center of the nanocavity r 0m = (0, 0, 0). The two dotted lines denote the top and bottom surfaces of the slab. By substituting Equation 4 with Equation 7, we can obtain the following: (8) where is the peak value of the PLDOS at the location r 0m along the direction . Therefore, as soon as the PLDOS at the location r 0m along the direction is calculated by various numerical methods, ω c , κ, and ρ cpm can be determined by fitting the PLDOS by the Lorentz function of Equation 5. Based on them, we can finally obtain the mode volume of the nanocavity
by Equation 8 and the quality factor of the nanocavity by Q = ω c / κ. Traditionally [24–26, 29], the mode volume of the PC slab nanocavity is calculated directly by Equation 6. By this method, the electric field distribution of the nanocavity mode around the whole nanocavity region needs to be simulated and then integrated. This is rather time-consuming. In contrast, using our method of Equation 8, we can calculate the mode volume simply and efficiently. We just need to calculate the PLDOS at only one known location and along one known direction, which make the calculation of the mode volume very efficient. As mentioned previously, the realization of the strong coupling interaction requires that the coupling coefficient g exceeds the intrinsic decay rate of the nanocavity mode κ.