The middle region of HydH5 (150 to 482 amino
acids) did not show homology to any conserved sequences. Domain database and comparative sequence analysis failed to detect any known cell wall binding domain (CBD) in HydH5. A schematic of the HydH5 protein is depicted graphically later in conjunction with deletion constructs (Figure 2A). Figure 1 Phylogenetic analysis of the phage phiIPLA88 virion-associated peptidoglycan hydrolase HydH5 compared to several phage peptidoglycan hydrolases. The phylogenetic tree was constructed using the Neighbor-Joining method with 1000 bootstrap replicates and drawn to scale. The evolutionary distances were computed using the Poisson correction CRT0066101 solubility dmso method and are expressed in the units of the number of amino acid substitutions per site. All positions containing gaps and missing data were eliminated from the
dataset. Phylogenetic analyses were conducted in MEGA4 [53]. Figure 2 Sequence analysis, SDS-PAGE and zymogram of the 6 × His tagged full-length HydH5 and deletion constructs. A) Pfam domain organization of HydH5 and its deletion constructs containing CHAP (cysteine, histidine-dependent amidohydrolases/peptidases) and LYZ2 (lysozyme selleck chemicals llc subfamily 2) domains. Numbers indicate the amino acid positions in HydH5. B) Comassie-blue stained SDS-PAGE gel of lane 1: purified HydH5 (76.7 kDa), lane 2: purified CHAP domain (17.2 kDa), lane 3: purified LYZ2 domain (21.1 kDa); and zymogram analysis of lane 4: purified HydH5, lane 5: crude cell extracts Succinyl-CoA of induced E. coli clones containing CHAP domain, lane 6: crude cell extracts of induced E. coli clones containing LYZ2 domain. Zymograms were run with S. aureus Sa9 cells embedded in the gel. Molecular mass standards (Prestained SDS-PAGE Standards, broad range, BioRad Laboratories) are indicated on the left. Predicted 3D structure of HydH5 The HHpred server and MODELLER program were jointly used to predict the structure of the HydH5 protein and three different BI 10773 molecular weight domains were deduced. The predicted structure
revealed similarity with the crystal structure of the E. coli Gsp amidase [27] belonging to the CHAP superfamily [24, 25] in the N-terminal region (domain A, 36-156 amino acids), with the Staphylococcus epidermidis PG hydrolase AmiE [28] in the middle region (domain B, 212-326 amino acids) and with the Listeria monocytogenes PG hydrolase [29] in the C-terminal region (domain C, 491-617 amino acids) (Figure 3). Domain A (Gsp amidase-like domain) is predicted to have two α helices and four twisted anti- parallel β-sheets. Two conserved catalytic residues are positioned in the first α helix termini and its neighboring β-sheet (Figure 3A). A topology similar to these residues can be found in other members of this family of enzymes [27]. Domain B (N-acetylmuramoyl-L-alanine amidase-like domain) is comprised of two α helices and 4 parallel β-sheets between the helices.