The DEMMI is a mobility outcome measure that was recently
developed in an older acute medical population (de Morton et al 2008b). It consists of 15 items and is scored on an interval level scale from 0 to 100 (de Morton et al 2008b). Eleven items are dichotomous BYL719 (scored 0 or 1) and four items have three response options (scored 0, 1, or 2). A raw ordinal DEMMI score out of 19 is then converted to an interval-level DEMMI score out of 100 using a conversion table. The DEMMI was reported to take an average of 8.8 minutes (SD 3.9) to complete in an older acute medical population (de Morton et al 2008b). The modified Barthel Index is an ordinal scale that provides a total score between 0 and 100, where higher scores indicate greater independence in the domains of mobility and continence (Shah et al 1989). The Barthel Index has been shown to Trichostatin A have acceptable levels of Modulators inter-observer and test-retest reliability (Collin et al 1988, Hachisuka and Ogata, 1997). The validity of the Barthel Index has been widely tested and well established for rehabilitation patients (Dewing, 1992, Hachisuka and Ogata, 1997). Validity: Convergent and discriminant validity for use of the DEMMI with this population were investigated by calculating the correlation
between DEMMI and Modified Barthel Index scores using Spearman’s rho and associated 95% confidence bands. A significant, moderate to high correlation between measures would provide evidence of convergent validity. A low correlation of the DEMMI with a measure of a different construct (Charlson Comorbidity Index) would provide evidence of discriminant validity. Known-groups validity (groups who would be expected to differ in their mobility) was investigated using an independent t-test to compare scores obtained for those who were discharged to low level care (eg, hostel) compared to high level care (eg, nursing home). Floor and ceiling effects were reported for each measure if 15% or more of the participant population scored the lowest or highest scale score, respectively. Responsiveness to change:
Responsiveness to change was evaluated using a criterion-based method (Guyatt responsiveness index, Guyatt et al 1987) and a distribution-based method (the Effect Size Index, Kazis et al 1989). Effect size indices of 0.2, 0.5, and 0.8 have Carnitine dehydrogenase been reported to represent small, moderate and large responsiveness to change, respectively ( Husted et al 2000). Minimum clinically important difference: The minimum clinically important difference was calculated using criterion- and distribution-based methods. The criterion-based method was calculated where clinically important change was considered to have occurred for patients who rated their mobility as ‘much better’ at discharge assessment. The distribution-based method estimated the minimum clinically important difference by calculating half the baseline standard deviation of raw scores ( Norman et al 2003).