Missing CIT (7%) and CIT less than 2 hours or greater than 20 hou

Missing CIT (7%) and CIT less than 2 hours or greater than 20 hours (1.5%) were imputed with the median CIT for the region by share type. The Kaplan-Meier method was used to estimate observed posttransplant graft survival. The log-rank

DAPT order test compared survival estimates across strata and Bonferroni corrected P values adjusted for multiple comparisons. We used the Cox proportional hazards model to evaluate recipient and donor factors associated with graft loss. Time to graft loss was defined as days from liver transplant to the first of retransplant JNK inhibitor datasheet or death. Patients alive or lost to follow-up were censored at the date of last follow-up. When valid Social Security death dates were available

for patients coded as alive or lost to follow-up, posttransplant follow-up status and date were updated with data from the Social Security death certificate master file. Donor factors with a prespecified statistical significance of Pā€‰<ā€‰0.1 were analyzed by multivariate Cox regression models. Backwards elimination with Pā€‰<ā€‰0.05 was used to select the multivariate donor model. The final model was adjusted for recipient age, gender, HCC, blood type match, laboratory MELD and albumin at transplant, and region. A novel donor risk model specific for AA recipients with HCV (AADRI-C) was developed. We investigated the interaction between donor age and donor race.

The adjusted donor selleck kinase inhibitor model was stratified by donor race (AA versus non-AA) to quantify and demonstrate differences in the risk of graft failure for the donor age by donor race interaction. Predicted survival estimates for tertiles of AADRI-C (tertile 1, AADRI-C <1.6; tertile 2, AADRI-C 1.6-2.44; and tertile 3, AADRI-C >2.44) and DRI (tertile 1, DRI <1.18; tertile 2, DRI 1.18-1.55; and tertile 3, DRI >1.55) were derived from the Cox proportional hazards model. To compare the AADRI-C to the DRI, we identified a separate cohort of 294 HCV-positive AA patients receiving liver transplants between January 1, 2010 and January, 31, 2011 in the UNOS STAR file (created April 30, 2012) meeting our study selection criteria. These patients were not included in the original development dataset.

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