Metal complexes, as models with known structures, have been essential in order to understand the XAS of metallo-proteins. These complexes provide a basis for evaluating the influence of the coordination environment (coordination charge) on the absorption edge energy (Cinco et al. 1999; Pizarro et al. 2004). Study of structurally well-characterized model complexes also provides a benchmark for understanding the EXAFS from metal systems of unknown structure. The significant advantage of XAS over the X-ray crystallography is that the local structural information ACP-196 mouse around the element of interest can be obtained even from disordered
samples, such as powders and solution. However, ordered samples, such as membranes and single crystals, often increases the information obtained from XAS. For oriented single crystals or ordered membranes, the interatomic vector orientations can be deduced see more from dichroism measurements. These techniques are especially useful for determining the structures of multi-nuclear metal clusters, such as the Mn4Ca cluster associated with water oxidation in the photosynthetic oxygen-evolving complex (OEC). Moreover, quite small selleck inhibitor changes in geometry/structure associated with transitions between the intermediate states, known as the S-states, in the cycle of
the water-oxidation reaction can be readily detected using XAS. Another useful approach has been to collect complementary EXAFS measurements, for example, at both the Mn and Ca K-edges for the OEC cluster (Cinco et al. 2002),
or following a Sr → Ca replacement measuring data at the Mn and Sr K-edges (Latimer et al. 1995; Cinco et al. 1998; Pushkar et al. 2008). Such measurements greatly improve Thiamine-diphosphate kinase the information that can be obtained for multi-nuclear metal clusters, such as the Mn4Ca cluster in PS II, as the precision of the fits can be improved by such complementary data. X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) theory has been developed to an extent that it can be applied to complicated molecules of known structure (Teo 1986; Rehr and Albers 2000). Although it is less straightforward to apply it to the OEC, where its molecular environment is not yet precisely defined, the basic XAS equation allows us to interpret EXAFS spectra to considerable advantage. X-ray spectral properties to be expected from specified cluster geometries can be calculated and compared with experimental measurements. Density-functional theory (DFT) can be applied to issues like the stability of a proposed cluster arrangement or the likelihood of postulated reaction paths. Moreover, the time-dependent DFT calculations provide an important insight into the electronic structure of the metal site combined with the analysis of the XANES pre-edge region. In the current review, we summarize the basics of XAS, and also discuss some techniques which have been applied to study the OEC of PS II.