In this section, we stand on those shoulders to speculate what th

In this section, we stand on those shoulders to speculate what the answer might look like. Retinal and LGN processing help deal with important real-world issues such as variation in luminance and contrast across each visual image (reviewed by Kohn, 2007). However, because RGC and LGN receptive CH5424802 fields are essentially point-wise spatial

sensors (Field et al., 2010), the object manifolds conveyed to primary visual cortical area V1 are nearly as tangled as the pixel representation (see Figure 2B). As V1 takes up the task, the number of output neurons, and hence the total dimensionality of the V1 representation, increases approximately 30-fold (Stevens, 2001); Figure 3B). Because V1 neuronal responses are nonlinear with respect to their inputs (from the LGN), this dimensionality expansion results in an overcomplete population re-representation (Lewicki and Sejnowski, 2000 and Olshausen and Field, 1997) in which the object manifolds are more “spread

out.” Indeed, simulations show that a V1-like representation is clearly better than retinal-ganglion-cell-like (or pixel-based) representation, but still far below human performance for real-world recognition problems (DiCarlo and Cox, 2007 and Pinto et al., 2008a). What happens as each image is processed beyond V1 via the successive stages of the ventral stream anatomical hierarchy (V2, V4, pIT, aIT; Figure 3)? Tariquidar concentration Two found overarching algorithmic frameworks have been proposed. One framework postulates that each successive visual area serially adds more processing power so as to solve increasingly complex tasks, such as the untangling of object identity manifolds (DiCarlo and Cox, 2007, Marr, 1982 and Riesenhuber

and Poggio, 1999b). A useful analogy here is a car assembly production line—a single worker can only perform a small set of operations in a limited time, but a serial assembly line of workers can efficiently build something much more complex (e.g., a car or a good object representation). A second algorithmic framework postulates the additional idea that the ventral stream hierarchy, and interactions between different levels of the hierarchy, embed important processing principles analogous to those in large hierarchical organizations, such as the U.S. Army (e.g., Lee and Mumford, 2003, Friston, 2010 and Roelfsema and Houtkamp, 2011). In this framework, feedback connections between the different cortical areas are critical to the function of the system. This view has been advocated in part because it is one way to explicitly enable inference about objects in the image from weak or noisy data (e.g., missing or occluded edges) under a hierarchical Bayesian framework (Lee and Mumford, 2003 and Rust and Stocker, 2010). For example, in the army analogy, foot soldiers (e.g., V1 neurons) pass uncertain observations (e.g., “maybe I see an edge”) to sergeants (e.g.

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