In conclusion, although there is still is a clear need for more c

In conclusion, although there is still is a clear need for more controlled studies, there is good evidence in favor of a positive effect for the cognitive approach in OCD. Psychodynamic therapy for OCD There is a dearth of controlled data in this field. An uncontrolled study by Kringlcn80 found that 20% of OCD patients improve during an interval ranging from 13 to 20 years versus 21 % of the patients treated with psychoanalytic

therapy during the same interval. Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical Psychosurgery Since the introduction of prefrontal leukotomy by Moniz,81 several techniques have been developed: stereotactic leukotomy, stereotactic cingulotomy,68,69 and the gamma-knife radiosurgery technique of capsulotomy. Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical In general, the orbitofrontal and cingulate regions are the targets for intervention.82 However, the literature only reports series of uncontrolled case studies. About. 25% of a. panel of 33 patients who presented an intractable OCD responded in the long term.83 The side effects are severe – epilepsy, personality disorders, and depression – and there have been cases of suicide.84-86 Even the gamma-knife,

which was supposed to be more precise and safer, presented detrimental effects in the form of Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical extensive local brain necrosis after irradiation.87 There is obviously a lack of scientific evidence for a durable effect, of these techniques in a. sizeable number of severe patients. Ethical problems, low effectiveness, and side effects explain why psychosurgical decisions are under the control of ethical committees in most, of the countries. Transcranial stimulation There is quite limited Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical preliminary evidence that repetitive transcranial magnetic

stimulation of prefrontal areas may improve compulsive urges, which were increased after midoccipital stimulations.88 There was no difference Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical between right, and left, brain prefrontal stimulations.89 These experiments were uncontrolled carried out in severe OCD. A positive transient response was found in only 25% of patients. Social phobia CBT in social phobia Methods Early behavioral interventions were based either on systematic desensitization or assertiveness training. Social skills deficit, was hypothesized as being at the core of performance anxiety and social phobia. SST through role play with rehearsal, shaping, and modeling by the therapist nearly was shown to be effective in treating social phobic patients in the early seventies. A move towards a cognitive model was the next step. According to the cognitive model of social phobia,90 cognitive factors may be particularly important in the development, and maintenance of the negative emotions and avoidance behaviors in social phobic patients. The patients assume that other people are inherently critical, and attach particular importance to being negatively appraised by others. This could be related to a basic cognitive schema of inferiority.

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