g., Womelsdorf and Fries, 2006 and Jones et al., 2007). In this issue of Neuron, Doucette and colleagues (2011) demonstrate a phenomenon that is more striking and exciting: as awake mice learn that one of two proffered odors predicts the presence of reward at a lick spout, the number of synchronous spikes
(SS) fired by pairs of olfactory bulbar (OB) neurons CX 5461 comes to reflect whether the odor is associated with reward; SS dips below spontaneous activity for unrewarded odors and hops above spontaneous for rewarded odors. This dissociation is unavailable in the firing rates of the individual OB neurons in the same trials. The beauty of this work lies in the two basic ways in which it challenges dogma. First, the results represent unusually powerful evidence for population temporal coding. Information here is uniquely available in pairs of neurons which, while typically located in the same region of the bulb, may be separated by multiple glomeruli (the functional processing units of OB spatial coding, see e.g., Wang et al., 1998). This is an easily understood and implemented population temporal code, the decoding of which simply requires downstream coincidence
detectors, connected to decision-making networks, that take input from both members of the neuron pair. Such coincidence-detecting neurons would by their very nature be preferentially sensitive and responsive to the incoming reward-related spikes. Second, these responses Tofacitinib solubility dmso reflect not odor identity per se, but rather learned reward relationships. Thus, these are important, novel data added to a growing corpus suggesting that “sensory” coding is as much about the stimulus in context as what the stimulus physically is (Kay and
TCL Laurent, 1999 and Haddad et al., 2010). The fact that the authors are recording from putative OB mitral cells, the direct recipients of olfactory information from receptor neurons in the nose, serves to drive home the point that the dividing line between sensation and perception may be found outside the brain. That is, while receptor neurons may respond to purely physical aspects of sensory stimuli, even the earliest stages of neural processing intrinsically pertain to what that stimulus means to the organism under current contingencies. Clearly, neural responses to a stimulus do not need to undergo extensive hierarchical processing to reach a point at which their relationship to reward can be identified. Note, however, that the expression of this code by OB neuron pairs does not mean that OB works alone in figuring out learned reward relationships.