Figure 1 A Negative for dysplasia – There is columnar cell metap

Figure 1 A. Negative for dysplasia – There is columnar cell metaplasia including mucin-filled, blue-tinted goblet cells. The glands are well spaced with abundant intervening lamina propria and the nuclei are regular, smooth, and basally aligned [hematoxylin and … Indefinite for dysplasia – This category is applied to biopsies where the changes seen cannot be definitively Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical described as reactive or neoplastic. It is most often used in the presence of pronounced inflammation or the loss of surface epithelium. Cytologicatypia

characterized by hyperchromasia, overlapping nuclei, irregular nuclear borders, and nuclear stratification can be seen in the deep glands or the sides of villiform structures while the surface epithelium is free of atypia. The architecture should be largely normal with, at the Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical most, minimal gland crowding. Surface maturation is present (Figure 1B). Low grade dysplasia – The most important feature of low grade dysplasia is cytologicatypia extending to the mucosal surface and either minimal

or absent surface maturation. Severe architectural distortion is not a feature, Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical though mild gland crowding with decreased intervening lamina propria can be seen. Mitoses may be increased but no atypical forms should be seen. Inflammation is usually minimal. One important note: although cytologicatypia is a key finding, nuclear polarity is preserved. Loss of polarity – where the nucleus is tilted, rounded, or horizontal to the basement membrane – is associated with higher grade lesions (Figure 1C). High grade dysplasia – The cytologic changes are severe with markedly enlarged nuclei at the surface, pronounced pleomorphism, and at least focal Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical loss of nuclear polarity. Surface maturation is lost. Mild to marked architectural distortion is a frequent finding, with crowded glands,

loss of lamina propria, focal budding, and/or cribriform glands. There should be no Etoposide concentration evidence of invasion into the lamina propria. Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical Mitoses are increased and atypical mitoses may be seen. Ideally inflammation is almost minimal or absent. If either the cytologic or architectural changes are severe and extensive, the diagnosis of high grade dysplasia can be made even if other features are only low grade in severity (Figure 1D). Whenever high grade dysplasia is diagnosed the biopsy should also be evaluated for the presence of co-existing EAC. This may be difficult or impossible to exclude on biopsy, but suspicious or suggestive architectural changes include single cells in the lamina propria, desmoplasia, cribriform or solid tubular architecture, dilated tubules filled with necrotic debris, extensive neutrophilic infiltrate within the epithelium, ulcerated high grade dysplasia, and neoplastic tubules incorporated into the overlying squamous epithelium (57).

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