Fig. S1. Illustration of standard curves obtained by real-time PCR from 10-fold dilution series (102–108) of the linearized plasmid containing the Fo47
SCAR marker without (a) or in presence (b) of 5 ng of root tissue DNA. Fig. S2. Illustration of standard curves obtained by real-time PCR from dilution series (10-10E4 pg) of the Fo47 DNA, without (a) or in presence (b) of 5 ng of root tissue DNA. Fig. S3. Illustration of Ct curves corresponding to a real-time PCR reaction including different biological treatments and internal controls (see Materials and methods). Fig. S4. Illustration of melting curves corresponding to a real-time PCR reaction GSK J4 chemical structure including different biological treatments and internal controls (see Materials and methods). Please note: Wiley-Blackwell is not responsible for the content or functionality of any supporting materials supplied by the authors. Any queries (other than missing material) should be directed to the corresponding author for the article. “
“Bacterial endosymbionts from female Paederus rove beetles are hitherto uncultured, phylogenetically related click here to Pseudomonas sp., and produce the polyketide pederin, which exhibits strong cytotoxic effects and antitumoral activities.
The location of such endosymbionts inside beetles and on beetles’ eggs is hypothesized based on indirect evidence rather than elucidated. Thus, an endosymbiont-specific and a competitor oligonucleotide probe (Cy3-labelled PAE444 and unlabelled cPAE444, respectively) were designed and utilized for FISH with semi-thin sections of Paederus riparius eggs. Cy3-PAE444-positive cells were densely packed and covered the whole eggshell. Hundred percent of EUB338-Mix-positive total bacterial cells were PAE444 positive, indicating a biofilm dominated by Paederus endosymbionts.
Analysis of different egg deposition stadiums 3-mercaptopyruvate sulfurtransferase by electron microscopy and pks (polyketide synthase gene, a structural gene associated with pederin biosynthesis)-PCR supported results obtained by FISH and revealed that the endosymbiont-containing layer is applied to the eggshell inside the efferent duct. These findings suggest that P. riparius endosymbionts are located inside unknown structures of the female genitalia, which allow for a well-regulated release of endosymbionts during oviposition. The novel oligonucleotide probes developed in this study will facilitate (1) the identification of symbiont-containing structures within genitalia of their beetle hosts and (2) directed cultivation approaches in the future. The polyketide pederin predominantly serves rove beetles of the genus Paederus as a substance for chemical defence against potential predators like the coexisting Lycosidae (wolf spiders; Kellner & Dettner, 1996). Polyketides are metabolic products widely distributed in nature that can be found in bacterial microorganisms as well as in eukaryotes.