Conidia (2.7–)3.2–3.8(–4.0) × (2.3–)2.5–2.8(–3.0) μm, l/w (1.1–)1.2–1.5(–1.7) (n = 30), subhyaline to yellowish green, ellipsoidal or oval, smooth, with minute guttules; scar indistinct or distinct and truncate. No structural difference except for increased complexity in pustules apparent between effuse
and pustulate conidiation. At 15°C conidiation effuse, farinose. At 30°C colony outline irregular with wavy to lobed margin, dense; conidiation effuse, mostly central, with wet heads to 40 μm diam, and in green, 28–30F5–8, pustules to 1 mm diam with minute wet heads on regular trees with narrow branches and fertile straight ICG-001 manufacturer elongations to 0.3 mm long. On PDA after 72 h 1–5 mm at 15°C, 0–15 mm at 25°C, 0–5 mm at 30°C; mycelium covering the plate after 2–3 weeks at 25°C. Colony circular, dense to opaque, margin wavy to lobed, surface flat, whitish, downy to granular or floccose; often irregular outgrowths Proteasome inhibitor formed after temporary termination of growth; often a dense continuous, chalky to yellow zone of irregular outline or broad yellow, 4AB4, areas formed. Aerial hyphae numerous, forming a flat layer of radiating shrubs and short thick, irregularly oriented strands resulting
in broom-like floccules or granules, becoming fertile. Autolytic activity inconspicuous, excretions minute, coilings Selleckchem RG-7388 moderate to frequent. Reverse becoming yellow, 4AB3–5, spreading from the plug; odour indistinct or slightly mushroomy. Conidiation noted after 2–4 days, effuse, on aerial hyphae mostly on lower levels, spreading from the plug, also on sessile, densely disposed, shrubs, remaining colourless. Conidial yield poor, more abundant in yellow areas. On SNA after 72 h 1–4 mm at 15°C, 1–8 mm at 25°C, 0–7 mm at 30°C; mycelium covering the plate after 3–4 weeks at 25°C. Colony of thin hyphae, circular and compact, or irregular with lobed margin and varying density, thin,
indistinctly zonate. Aerial hyphae inconspicuous; no autolytic activity noted, coilings moderate. No pigment, no Adenosine triphosphate distinct odour noted. Conidiation noted after 1–2 days, more distinct than on CMD; first effuse and loosely disposed on aerial hyphae, with wet conidial heads to 70 μm, spreading from the plug. After degeneration of the effuse conidiation pustules to 1.5 mm diam with straight fertile elongations formed around the plug spreading across the colony or concentrated in a broad, concentric, diffuse distal zone, turning green, 27–28E4–5 to 28F5–8, after 11–13 days. Conidia produced in numerous minute wet heads on regular small trees. Chlamydospores rare, noted after 3 weeks at 25°C. Habitat: on wood of Fagus sylvatica. Distribution: Austria, known only from the type specimen. Holotype: Austria, Vorarlberg, Feldkirch, Rankweil, behind the hospital LKH Valduna, MTB 8723/2, 47°15′40″ N, 09°39′00″ E, elev. 510 m, on decorticated branches of Fagus sylvatica 4–6 cm thick, on wood, soc.