Both programs accept students from all over the world and are des

Both programs accept students from all over the world and are designed to provide the students with exposure to a cross-cultural and multidisciplinary environment and the opportunity to intensively discuss sustainability. Through the YES and IPoS, we have learned that accepting diversity and PD98059 clinical trial respecting minorities in a diverse

international society are extremely important aspects of sustainability education. This is also mentioned by Carter (2004). We have incorporated this perspective into the development of the Experiential Learning and Skills Oriented Practical Courses. Experiential learning and skills oriented practical courses The Experiential Learning and Skills Oriented Practical Courses are participatory in nature. Through exposure to diverse student groups and ideas in group discussions and dialogs, students become acquainted with a variety of perspectives PI3K Inhibitor Library cost among their fellow students and learn the importance of accepting diversity and respecting minorities. To ensure the participation of a broad diversity of students, the GPSS offers all lectures and courses in English so that language is not a constraint.

We also provide scholarships and housing support so that foreign students may concentrate on their academic activities. The Experiential Learning and Skills Oriented Practical Courses also

emphasize practical exercises for acquiring various skills related to sustainability rather than simply gaining knowledge of the subject matter (Table 1). The coursework includes: training in the holistic thinking needed to appropriately assess sustainability-related issues from a holistic point of view; acquisition of the facilitation and negotiation skills necessary for building consensus; exercises to foster the understanding of cultural diversity that is essential to cross-cultural communication; and a wide range of case studies dealing PTK6 with various examples of global, international, and regional problems. Students from many different disciplines and cultural backgrounds are expected to give serious thought to issues related to sustainability through demanding exercises and projects, and to acquire practical knowledge and skills by stimulating one another intellectually. The importance of transdisciplinary case studies is affirmed by Scholz et al. (2006). Master’s thesis work A Master’s Thesis is required by the GPSS.

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