astaci (Saprolegniales, Oomycetes) Crayfish plague-associated di

astaci (Saprolegniales, Oomycetes). Crayfish plague-associated die-offs in Austrian waters were first reported in 1879 [9] and in the 1920s [10], and continue sporadically into the present. An estimated 80% of all native Austrian crayfish populations disappeared in the 20th century (Pöckl, personal communication). A high HMPL-504 mw percentage of these die-offs are associated with crayfish plague, which represents one of the major threats to the recovery of populations of native crayfish species in

Central Europe [11]. For example, Astacus astacus, formerly a very abundant species in Europe, is now considered threatened by the International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN) [12]. In many countries this economically find more valuable crayfish is on the Red List and its current harvest is probably less than 10% of the harvest

rate before introduction of the crayfish-plague pathogen [13, 14]. A. astaci was introduced from North America, where various species harbour the pathogen without showing clinical signs of infection. Crayfish-plague outbreaks among such populations often occur only under stress conditions. The introduction of resistant North American species like the signal crayfish (Pacifastacus leniusculus), the red-swamp crayfish (Procambarus clarkii) and the spiny-cheek crayfish (Orconectes limosus) http://​www.​issg.​org/​database MM-102 supplier has established a permanent reservoir for the pest in Europe. The transmission of the pathogen occurs via crayfish cadavers, crayfish-feeding fish [15], Thiamet G fish scales [16] and all kinds of equipment, which have been in contact with contaminated water [10].

The adaptive life style, high fecundity, and resistance to the pathogen make introduced crayfish species a potent bioinvador and the most dangerous vector for pathogen transmission. Biflagellated secondary zoospores, measuring 8 × 12 μm, represent the infective unit of A. astaci. They target host tissue by various mechanisms including chemotaxis [17, 18] on soft parts of the crayfish integument, especially at the joints, the bottom side of the abdomen and even near the eyestalks [19] as well as fresh wounds [20]. Once zoospores reach the upper lipoprotein-layer of the crayfish cuticle, they discard their flagellae, and develop a penetration peg, that weakens the lipid layer enzymatically [21]. Soon after the germ tube has penetrated the cuticle by mechanical force, the developing hyphae begin to secrete chitinases and proteases [22]. In this phase different chitinases [18] jointly degrade chitin polymers in order to release nutrients and facilitate further growth mainly parallel to the chitin fibrils of the endocuticula [23].

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