“Aeromonas species are mesophilic, motile microorganism present in aquatic and environmental habitats. It’s wide distribution
depends on the seasonal changes, pollution level Cell Cycle inhibitor in water. It is a Gram negative, short rod shaped, oxidase and catalase positive, facultative anaerobes and non spore forming. Antibiotics are organic molecules of microbes, at low concentration, they are poisonous for the growth of other microbes. In general, it acts against bacteria by attacking the peptidoglycan cell wall. This study was designed towards the search of antimicrobial compound from Aeromonas species isolated from river soil sample collected at Mohanur, Namakkal District and its antimicrobial potency against bacteria isolated from meat samples. Wet soil samples collected in sterile bags were transported inhibitors immediately to the laboratory for analysis. One selleck gram of sample suspended in 9 ml
of sterile distilled water was shaken well to homogenize the suspension. One millilitre of the supernatant was diluted serially in tenfold 10−1–10−6. 0.1 ml aliquot at 10−6 were dispensed in starch ampicillin agar1 for 24 h at 30 °C and observed for golden yellow colour colonies. Standard biochemical tests were done and final confirmation by 16S rDNA sequencing. One gram of meat sample collected from local market was smashed in 2 ml phosphate buffered saline with mortar and pestle, 0.1 ml was streaked directly on chromogenic,2 mannitol salt,3Salmonella–Shigella agar 4 plates prepared by adopting standard procedures was incubated at 37 °C for 24 h and pigmentation was observed. The identified isolates were subjected to slime production on congo red plate as well for beta lactamase on Muller–Hinton agar. 3 Optimization was carried
out by maintaining the pH at 8. Peptone in the nutrient broth was replaced with different carbon sources such as sucrose, starch, glucose, fructose and maltose. Similarly, beef extract with nitrogen sources like ammonium chloride, ammonium nitrate, ammonium sulphate, potassium nitrate and sodium nitrate were added at a final concentration of 1% (w/v) by keeping the remaining same. The best carbon, nitrogen sources. Fossariinae Antimicrobial substance and Aeromonas selected in the optimization process was used for the bacteriocin like or antimicrobial substance production, partial purification by treating with solid ammonium sulphate at 40% saturation. The contents were mixed for 2 h at 4 °C, centrifuged at 10,000 rpm for 20 min. The pellet obtained was dissolved in 500 μl phosphate buffered saline and 50 μl of this was used for SDS PAGE, 5 antimicrobial activity against identified meat bacterial isolates by agar well diffusion method.