, 2006). The combinatorial
output of the signal to the hypothalamic CRH cells emerging from activation of PVT, ACe, and BnST of recurrently handled pups differed from that of single-handled pups, and resulted in robust and enduring suppression of CRH gene expression in these neurons (Fig. 2) (Fenoglio et al., 2006 and Karsten and Baram, 2013). This reduction in CRH expression in hypothalamic PVN, together with the apparent network changes involving this neuronal population, led us to focus on the CRH-expressing cells in the PVN as important mediators of molecular changes associated with resilience. Neurons receive information mainly by synaptic contact, so that altered excitatory and/or inhibitory synaptic input onto CRH neurons as a result of maternal care might be a plausible mechanism for the alteration of molecular machinery Vismodegib concentration in these neurons that enduringly reduces CRH expression. Synaptic innervation of neurons is now known to be dynamic and modulated by experience (Brunson et al., 2001, Verkuyl et al., 2004 and Horvath, 2005). For CRH neurons, the majority of input is mediated by GABAergic and glutamatergic synapses (Aubry et al., 1996, Boudaba
et al., 1997, Cullinan, 2000, Miklos and Kovacs, Autophagy Compound Library clinical trial 2002 and Ziegler et al., 2012), via GABAA (Cullinan, 2000) and glutamate receptors (Aubry et al., 1996, Kiss et al., 1996, Cullinan, 2000, Di et al., 2003, Ulrich-Lai et al., 2011 and Ziegler et al., 2012). Combining electrophysiology, quantitative analyses of vesicular transporters and quantitative confocal and electron microscopy, Korosi et al., studied if enhanced early-life experience reduced excitation to CRH neurons or augmented their inhibition (Korosi et al., 2010). Using similar methodologies, Gunn et al., examined the excitatory and inhibitory Olopatadine input onto CRH-expressing hypothalamic neurons of mice experiencing aberrant, fragmented maternal care in cages with limited bedding and
nesting material (Gunn et al., 2013). Using several different methods, Korosi et al., discovered reduced number and function of excitatory synapse that abut onto CRH-expressing neurons in pups experiencing a week of recurrent augmented maternal care (Korosi et al., 2010). While enhanced maternal care resulted in reduced levels of the glutamatergic transporter vGlut2 via Western blot, no change in the levels of the GABA-A transporter vGAT was detected. Dual-label confocal microscopy revealed a reduced number of vGlut2-positive puncta (presynaptic terminals) abutting identified CRH neurons (Fig. 3). Quantitative electron microscopy revealed reduced number of asymmetric (excitatory) synapses onto CRH neurons in pups experiencing augmented maternal care.