γ correction was not used Unless noted in the figure legend, th

γ correction was not used. Unless noted in the figure legend, the only alterations made for publication were to convert the red/green data images to magenta/green. Analysis This study was not stereological by design, so the Abercrombie correction (T/T+h: see (Guillery 2002) was applied to reduce the counting bias associated with soma size. Object height (h) was measured along the long axis of the cell soma for a random sample of ten neurons across all layers from at least two tissue sections per monkey, per area. Mean values are listed for each cell type in Table ​Table22. Table 2 Mean soma size (in μm) by cell-type To determine a

value for T, the mean dehydrated thickness of the tissue was measured Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical as the distance between Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical the upper- and lower-most in-focus planes of the z-stacks taken at the beginning of each scan (see Confocal microscopy, above). The obtained value for T (measured across 2–4 sections per animal) did not differ between MT (mean 34 μm, SD 3.77) and V1 (mean 31.25, SD 3.01). The mean thickness collapsed across all three animals and both ZD1839 cost cortical areas was 32.78 μm (SD 3.64). The Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical resulting Abercrombie correction factor for both neuronal types in both cortical areas was 0.7. Both raw and corrected counts are reported in the text, all percentages are calculated based on the Abercrombie corrected counts. Results

We used dual immunofluorescence to determine Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical the extent to which m1-type muscarinic acetylcholine receptors (m1 AChRs, single-label immunoperoxidase staining profile shown in Fig. ​Fig.2)2) are expressed by parvalbumin-immunoreactive (PV-ir, single-label immunoperoxidase

staining profile shown in Fig. ​Fig.3)3) neurons in visual areas Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical V1 and MT of three macaque monkeys. Figure 2 Qualitative comparison of single-label immunoperoxidase reactivity for m1 ACh receptors in V1 (A), and the middle temporal visual area (MT) (B). Immunopositive somata are present in all cortical layers of both areas. Higher levels of neuropil immunoreactivity Oxymatrine … Figure 3 Qualitative comparison of single-label immunoperoxidase reactivity for parvalbumin in V1 (A), and the middle temporal visual area (MT) (B). Parvalbumin (PV) neurons are present in cortical layers 2 through 6 in both areas. In V1 there are occasional PV … m1 AChR immunoreactivity As reported previously, (Mrzljak et al. 1993; Tigges et al. 1997; Disney et al. 2006; Disney and Aoki 2008; Disney and Reynolds 2014) the qualitative appearance of immunoreactivity for m1 AChRs in the occipital lobe of macaque monkeys is that of a stained cytoplasmic ring around an immunonegative nuclear region (asterisks in Fig. ​Fig.4A4A and B). This somatic pattern is accompanied by occasional labeling of the proximal dendrites (arrowhead in Fig. ​Fig.4A)4A) and some immunoreactivity of the neuropil.

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